Cats refuse From Air Conditioning Floor Vents
Ventilation is an important part of your home, and a source of great curiosity, for your family cat. Cats are often attracted by the fresh air and sounds of the fireplace, and will play and explore the world around them. Many cats, especially those who are not trained litter will be the breakdown of LUTS. Preventing cats from the vents is not hard and keep your home clean and healthy cat.
Wash the area around the hole of your total. Cats often urinate in areas where other animals, the area previously selected so that the matter should perfume brands in the future. Line the area around the hole with tape. Cut 4 strips, then tape the band firmly on the floor so they can not prevent the passage of the strip, if your cat to walk on them.
Jets hat on a commercial basis with the smell of citrus oil or sour apples, who does not like cats. You can download a blank with the money and use it as a learning tool for teaching your cat to stay away from vents. If your cat approaches the hole, saying "no" and shake up the box. Your cat will learn to associate sounds interfere with ventilation and keep away them.Place your cat in the window, while if you do not look.